
Adobe Creative Residency CF


Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund

I was commissioned by Adobe to create a three pieces project to promote the launch of Illustrator on iPad.
The project allowed me to be part of the Illustrator on iPad beta team, testing the app, making feature requests and having direct feedbacks with the AI developing team. As Graphic Designer it was a huge experience.

The approach

Me as Graphic Designer + Graphic Design History books - two of my favorites-


1- Avid Bezierist

Bezier Curves are powerful. They are used for creating computer graphics, animation, font design, technical drawing and illustrations among a thousand others.


2- Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist is the first word of the preface to the first edition of “History of Graphic Design” by Philip Meggs.
It’s a German word that does not have an equivalent in other languages.
It means “the spirit of the time” and refers to the cultural trends and tastes that are characteristic of a given era.

It was always a meaningful word to me, waiting for its moment to be drawn.


3- Instability of color

In the great book “Interaction of Color”, Josef Albers says that color is the most relative medium in art.
With practical exercises he demonstrates the relativity and instability of color.
“In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is -as physically is.
This fact makes color the most relative medium in art”
